In this guide I’ll be explaining how to find all 151 missing Alolan Diglett that are hiding around The Isle of Armor. The Isle of Armor is the first expansion within the Pokemon Sword Expansion Pass or Pokemon Shield Expansion Pass. The Expansion Pass can be purchased from the Nintendo eShop. When buying the DLC make sure to buy the Expansion Pass that matches your base game, Sword or Shield. Once you’ve bought the DLC you’ll receive the Key Item “Armor Pass” as soon as you load your save file (if you have made it to the Wild Area in the beginning of the story). With the Armor Pass you can then ride the train to The Isle of Armor.
When you first arrive on the island no Alolan Diglett can be found. You first need to speak with the Diglett Trainer who will explain the situation. The Diglett Trainer is standing in front of the bridge just before the Master Dojo. You can’t miss it as a cutscene will trigger when you approach the bridge. The Diglett hiding in front of the bridge will count towards the total so only 150 more to go!

If you interact with the signpost highlighted above you can see how many Alolan Diglett remain in each area of the island. If you’ve already found a bunch but don’t know where else to look then use this signpost to first narrow down the areas.
When you reach certain milestones for the amount of Diglett found, the Diglett Trainer will gift you a Pokemon. See Rewards for more information.