There are 7 Diglett to find in Brawlers’ Cave.
Alolan Diglett #1

This Diglett can be found hiding by a rock near the river. When you enter Brawlers’ Cave from Soothing Wetlands it is by the rock closest to the river to your right.
Alolan Diglett #2

This Diglett is hiding on the second floor. Enter Brawlers’ Cave from Soothing Wetlands and cross the river on your bike. Turn right and go up the first ramp.
At the next ramp there are some rocks leaning against it. Go around the stone pillar to see the Diglett hiding by these rocks.
Alolan Diglett #3

This Diglett is hiding on the third floor. Enter Brawlers’ Cave from Soothing Wetlands and cross the river on your bike. Turn right and go up the first ramp and then again on the second ramp. Straight in front of you is a Pokemon Den. Diglett is hiding behind the nearby rock.
Alolan Diglett #4

This Diglett is also hiding on the third floor. Again, to get to the third floor enter Brawlers’ Cave from Soothing Wetlands and cross the river on your bike. Turn right and go up the first ramp and then again on the second ramp.
The Diglett is hiding behind the rock straight in front of the ramp. If you’ve just gotten Diglett #3 then you’ll see it in front of the rock on your way back down the ramp.
Alolan Diglett #5

This Diglett is also hiding on the third floor. Again, to get to the third floor enter Brawlers’ Cave from Soothing Wetlands and cross the river on your bike. Turn right and go up the first ramp and then again on the second ramp.
Diglett is hiding by a rock next to the ramp that goes up to the fourth floor.
Alolan Diglett #6

This Diglett is hiding on the fourth floor. When going up the ramp to this floor you’ll see the Diglett to your right by a rock.
Alolan Diglett #7

The final Diglett is hiding by the entrance to Challenge Road, the highest floor in Brawlers’ Cave.