There are 20 Diglett to find in the Soothing Wetlands.
Alolan Diglett #1

Once you exit the Fields of Honor go down the hill and head slightly right towards Brawlers’ Cave. When you begin to approach the log look left towards the cliff. The Alolan Diglett is by the three bushes, next to the red flowers.
Alolan Diglett #2

From the Fields of Honor go down the hill and head left along the cliff. This Diglett is hiding with the three stones. Use the Pokemon Den and the Tower as reference points.
Alolan Diglett #3

The next Diglett is close to Diglett #2. From the cliff head closer towards the tower (Challenge Beach). It is hiding with two stones on the slope.
Alolan Diglett #4

This Diglett is hiding behind a log just before the entrance to Challenge Beach. If you are starting at the Fields of Honor go down the hill and keep going left along the cliff until you reach the river. Then follow the path that bends left with the cliff. The log is here.
Alolan Diglett #5

From the central island with a tree on it, head towards the Pokemon Den that is near a Berry Tree and another island & tree that hugs the cliff. The Diglett is at the edge of some grass/flowers before the wild Pokemon grass patch.
Alolan Diglett #6

If you just got Diglett #5 then you are already nearby. If not, from the central island with a tree on it, head towards the Pokemon Den that is near a Berry Tree and another island & tree that hugs the cliff.
From there head to the thick grass/flowers just before the tree and the wild Pokemon grass patch (not the one surrounded by water). The Diglett is at the edge of the grass/flowers.
Alolan Diglett #7

If you are starting at the Fields of Honor go down the hill and keep going left along the cliff until you reach the river just before Challenge Beach. If you look to your right you’ll see a tree surrounded by grass and a Pokemon Den. To your left you’ll see a slope down to a log and the entrance to Challenge Beach. The Diglett is on the slope between the river’s edge and some flowers.
Alolan Diglett #8

Similar to Diglett #7, if you are starting at the Fields of Honor go down the hill and keep going left along the cliff until you reach the river just before Challenge Beach. If you look to your right you’ll see a tree surrounded by grass and a Pokemon Den. To your left you’ll see a slope down to a log and the entrance to Challenge Beach. Go right towards the tree and Pokemon Den. Keep following the river then cliff rightward. It is by some grass/flowers before the next large tree.
Alolan Diglett #9

This Diglett is on the other side of the Tree if you just got Diglett #8. Alternatively, when you exit the Forest of Focus it is by some flowers/grass to your right.
Alolan Diglett #10

This Diglett is by the tree on the central island.
Alolan Diglett #11

This Diglett is near the entrance to the Soothing Wetlands when coming from the Fields of Honor. Once you go down the slope it is by a small tree to your left.
Alolan Diglett #12

When entering this area from the Fields of Honor go down the slope and head left towards the nearest Pokemon Den. The Diglett is hidden with some flowers between the pond and tall grass patch.
Alolan Diglett #13

When entering this area from the Fields of Honor go down the slope and head forward towards the log in the water. From there go right towards the small tree. The Diglett is between the flowers and water just behind the tree. Alternatively, go to the nearby Pokemon Den.The Diglett is on the other side of the water just before the flowers.
Alolan Diglett #14

When entering this area from the Fields of Honor go down the slope and head forward towards the log in the water. From there keep going forward to the next log. The Diglett is hiding behind the stone.
Alolan Diglett #15

From the Fields of Honor go down the hill and head left along the cliff. This Diglett is hiding in front of the flowers before the pond with a Pokemon Den in it.
Alolan Diglett #16

If you just got Diglett #15 this Diglett is by the small tree to the right. Otherwise, from the Fields of Honor go down the hill and head left along the cliff. When you reach the pond with a Pokemon Den in it turn right towards the small tree. The Diglett is by its roots.
Alolan Diglett #17

Head to the central island with a tree on it. The Diglett is hidden by some flowers. Use the tree and distant Pokemon Den as reference points.
Alolan Diglett #18

From the Fields of Honor go down the hill and head left along the cliff. The Diglett is hiding in front of the first log at the base of the cliff.
Alolan Diglett #19

If you are starting at the Fields of Honor go down the hill and keep going left along the cliff until you reach the river just before Challenge Beach. If you look to your right you’ll see a tree surrounded by grass and a Pokemon Den. To your left you’ll see a slope down to a log and the entrance to Challenge Beach. Go right towards the tree and Pokemon Den. Keep following the river rightward until you reach a small tree with multiple trunks. Diglett is by some flowers.
Alolan Diglett #20

This Diglett can be found hiding by some bushes near the cliff opposite the entrance to Brawlers’ Cave. If you are entering from Fields of Honor head rightward along the cliff. Once you reach the small tree with multiple trunks the bushes are on the other side of the tall grass.